
What is AWM?

Learn about Avalanche Warp Messaging, a protocol for cross-chain communication.

Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM) enables native cross-Avalanche L1 communication and allows Virtual Machine (VM) developers to implement arbitrary communication protocols between any two Avalanche L1s.

Use Cases

Use cases for AWM may include but is not limited to:

  • Oracle Networks: Connecting an Avalanche L1 to an oracle network is a costly process. AWM makes it easy for oracle networks to broadcast their data from their origin chain to other Avalanche L1s.
  • Token transfers between Avalanche L1s
  • State Sharding between multiple Avalanche L1s

Elements of Cross-Avalanche L1 Communication

The communication consists of the following four steps:

image showing four steps of cross-Avalanche L1 communication: Signing, aggregation, Delivery and Verification

Signing Messages on the Origin Avalanche L1

AWM is a low-level messaging protocol. Any type of data encoded in an array of bytes can be included in the message sent to another Avalanche L1. AWM uses the BLS signature scheme, which allows message recipients to verify the authenticity of these messages. Therefore, every validator on the Avalanche network holds a BLS key pair, consisting of a private key for signing messages and a public key that others can use to verify the signature.

Signature Aggregation on the Origin Avalanche L1

If the validator set of an Avalanche L1 is very large, this would result in the Avalanche L1's validators sending many signatures between them. One of the powerful features of BLS is the ability to aggregate many signatures of different signers in a single multi-signature. Therefore, validators of one Avalanche L1 can now individually sign a message and these signatures are then aggregated into a short multi-signature that can be quickly verified.

Delivery of Messages to the Destination Avalanche L1

The messages do not pass through a central protocol or trusted entity, and there is no record of messages sent between Avalanche L1s on the primary network. This avoids a bottleneck in Avalanche L1-to-Avalanche L1 communication, and non-public Avalanche L1s can communicate privately.

It is up to the Avalanche L1s and their users to determine how they want to transport data from the validators of the origin Avalanche L1 to the validators of the destination Avalanche L1 and what guarantees they want to provide for the transport.

Verification of Messages in the Destination Avalanche L1

When an Avalanche L1 wants to process another Avalanche L1's message, it will look up both BLS Public Keys and stake of the origin Avalanche L1. The authenticity of the message can be verified using these public keys and the signature.

The combined weight of the validators that must be part of the BLS multi-signature to be considered valid can be set according to the individual requirements of each Avalanche L1-to-Avalanche L1 communication. Avalanche L1 A may accept messages from Avalanche L1 B that are signed by at least 70% of stake. Messages from Avalanche L1 C are only accepted if they have been signed by validators that account for 90% of the stake.

Since both the public keys and stake weights of all validators are recorded on the primary network's P-chain, they are readily accessible to any virtual machine run by the validators. Therefore, the Avalanche L1s do not need to communicate with each other about changes in their respective sets of validators, but can simply rely on the latest information on the P-Chain. Therefore, AWM introduces no additional trust assumption other than that the validators of the origin Avalanche L1 are participating honestly.

Reference Implementation

A Proof-of-Concept VM called XSVM was created to demonstrate the power of AWM. XSVM enables simple AWM transfers between any two Avalanche L1s if run out-of-the-box.

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